Sustainability as a guiding light

Our business is the link to a fossil-free future. But that is not enough. We also need to reduce our footprint, manage sustainability risks and contribute to well-being and prosperity. That's why we have sustainability as our guiding light.

70 %

That's how much emissions were reduced in our sustainable pilot project. Now we are continuing in more projects.

99,99 %

Security of supply in the electricity grid enables both prosperity and energy transition. In 2023, it was 99.99 percent in Ellevio's network.

8.3 out of 10

Happy employees do a good job! We are proud of a record-high employee satisfaction index in 2023.

85 %

That's how much of our local power network is under ground. This reduces the risk of interruptions due to weather and wind.

100 %

All of Ellevio's turnover contributes to the climate goals set out in the EU.

24,000 tonnes

That's how many CO2e in reduced emissions our charging infrastructure connections contributed to in 2023.

A body of water with houses in the background