Our Work for People

Our social responsibility means respecting human rights, taking into account the health, safety, well-being and equal opportunities of employees and others. We will be a good social actor that meets the expectations of partners, customers, authorities and other stakeholders.

Säkerhetsprogram 2

A safe and healthy workplace

The safety of those who work for Ellevio is always put first, and we have a zero vision against accidents and work-related illnesses. Ellevio has a monthly follow-up of the work environment management that includes both reactive and proactive key figures that are reported to management and the board. Communication about work environment management and incidents that have occurred is continuous to all employees and contractors.

Our safety culture must be well anchored in the company and among those who work on behalf of us in our electricity network operations, and health and safety are therefore central issues in the business. Follow-up of accidents, incidents and risk observations takes place in an incident management system.

To prevent accidents and sick leave, audits, field visits and informal safety talks are carried out, among other things. Audits are followed by a Sustainability Index that covers nine areas of health, safety and the environment and how well these are met.

In 2023, a new safety program was launched with a special focus on ensuring safe conditions during field work.

  • We are open and honest in all work environment and safety issues.
  • We help each other to always work safely.
  • We always encourage safe behaviors and prevent risks.
  • We always stop unsafe work.
  • We create a positive security climate through continuous dialogue, communication and actions between all organizational levels in the company and our contractors.
  • Ambitions, priorities and objectives for the work environment and safety must be the same at the company level as at the individual level.
  • Ellevio is characterized by a culture where everyone's commitment and care for each other creates an accident-free workplace.
  • We take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of others with the common goal that everyone should come home unharmed from work.
  • As a leader at Ellevio, I take a continuous commitment and focus on work environment and safety issues.
  • All leaders at Ellevio take full responsibility for the work environment and safety.
  • I take personal responsibility for safety in my work, comply with safety regulations and decided working methods. This is made possible through clear descriptions of roles, responsibilities and expected results.

Attractive employer

Creating good working conditions is essential for Ellevio to be able to attract, recruit, develop and retain the best and most competent employees and to be able to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. Ellevio should be an attractive employer – a first choice for experienced engineers, highly qualified employees, managers and recent graduates.

We will have an inclusive corporate culture, where diversity contributes to success, and live our values – reliability, commitment and development. We conduct systematic work to promote equal treatment, inclusion and gender balance, and work methodically and preventively to counteract discrimination and harassment.

The employee's performance, development and ability to be
culture bearers are discussed on an ongoing basis in employee dialogues that take
based on our employee profile. Through responsibility, cooperation, commitment and innovation, employees contribute to a work environment where everyone is respected and included.

The work to create good working conditions and commitment is followed up through monthly employee pulses that provide a clear and updated picture of the employees' mood, commitment and workload, among other things.

Ethical guidelines and core values

It is important for Ellevio to live up to the demands and expectations of customers and other stakeholders – and to earn their trust. Ellevio's Code of Conduct describes our basic ethical guidelines and core values, how we behave towards others and each other, how we do business and how we protect the company's assets. The code is a compass for how the company's values are to be put into practice and ensures that employees live up to the company's high standards.

We also have a special code of conduct for suppliers and partners. We expect all our business and partners to have the same high ambitions in sustainability and business ethics as we do.

Dialogue with local communities

In our projects, it is important that we provide good information and obtain knowledge and views from local stakeholders. It minimizes potential negative effects on the environment and the people and businesses affected by our work. We follow a communication policy for the electricity network projects, which in short means that communication must be clear, simple and correct.

Contribution to a safer industry

The safety culture needs to be improved in the industry as a whole to create accident-free and safe workplaces for everyone – regardless of the client. No chain is stronger than its weakest link, which is why Ellevio works for a safer industry through collaboration with suppliers and industry associations.

We actively participate in several working groups of our industry association Energiföretagen, the so-called EBR groups (Electricity Network Industry Guidelines). The working groups work to develop common guidelines for the work environment, electrical safety and the environment, among other things, and also disseminate information on safety-related issues, such as accidents and incidents.

Since 2019, Ellevio has been a member of the construction industry's sustainability initiative Keep Zero, which aims to reduce workplace accidents on construction sites. Ellevio's Safe Workplace Safety Programme was awarded the Keep Zero's Work Environment Award 2021.

Our work for human rights

We respect human rights. This means that we must avoid violating the human rights of others and that we must address any negative impact on human rights that we are involved in.

It also means that we will compensate for any violation through legitimate processes. We also work to prevent or limit any harm that our business partners may cause – even if we have not contributed to this negative impact ourselves.

We expect our suppliers, business and cooperation partners to also respect human rights in the same way. Our Code of Conduct  and Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Partners form the basis of all our collaborations.

We follow up on our work with human rights and report on the progress of the work to our Board of Directors and in our Annual and Sustainability Report.

The concept of human rights includes civil and political rights, labour law, social and cultural rights, and the rights of vulnerable groups in particular. Through risk and impact analysis of the impact on human rights in our value chain, we see that groups that may be affected by our operations include customers, local residents, employees including consultants, partners, landowners and others affected by facilities and investment projects. acquisitions, partnerships and purchasing.

We have good processes and working methods in place to manage our actual and potential impact on human rights. The risk of us violating human rights in our activities is therefore generally assessed as very low. The area that stands out is our supply chains, where despite our requirements and follow-up, there is still some risk of human rights violations. Human rights will therefore continue to be a high priority in our supplier relationships and in our follow-up of our supply chains.

If you see that we, our business partners or any party in our value chains or supply chains are in any way giving rise to a potential or actual human rights violation, please contact us. You are allowed to remain anonymous.

Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 7 June 2024

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