Handling of personal data

It is important to us at Ellevio that you feel safe with how we handle your personal data. We are therefore very careful that your data is handled in a secure manner, which complies with both applicable laws and our own procedures.


Our companies Ellevio AB (publ), 556037-7326, Ellevio Energy Solutions AB 559366-8600, and Ellevio Sverige AB 559414-0542, hereinafter collectively referred to as Ellevio, are responsible for the processing of your personal data, sometimes separately and sometimes jointly.

Ellevio Sverige AB provides staffing and group-wide support services to the group's other companies.

On this page we describe

  • Why we process your personal data
  • what kind of personal data is collected and how it is collected;
  • who is responsible for the processing
  • how we handle the personal data and
  • how long the data is kept.

We also inform about your rights and how to get in touch with questions or comments.

Data subjects, i.e. those whose personal data are processed, can be divided into a number of categories. Below you can read more about the categories of data subjects that we process.

  • Visitors to our facilities and offices.
  • Our existing customers, potential customers and former customers.
  • Stakeholders for energy-related services and products such as solar cells and charging stations.
  • Website visitors and users of digital services.
  • Those who interact with us on social media.
  • Employees of suppliers, partners, industry colleagues, authorities, property owners and property managers as well as others with whom we have business relationships for various reasons.
  • Property owners.
  • Candidates for employment, consultancy or internships.
  • Anyone who contacts Ellevio for any other reason.

Personal data is any kind of information that can identify a person. This can be information such as name and phone number, but also technical data such as facility numbers and measured values. Here is a list of more detailed information about the categories of data we process for different purposes.

Contact  Data that is processed when Ellevio needs to get in touch with, or be contacted by, private individuals or contact persons representing suppliers, authorities and property owners. Refers to name, address, telephone number, e-mail.
Identification data  Name, social security number, customer number, signature, and e-mail.
Financial data Invoice address, account number, other invoicing information such as unpaid invoices, and account information for land transfers, infringement compensation and refunds.
Technical information Information about the electrical installation; electricity consumption, fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history.
Customer contract details  Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type and type of facility (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A).
Case information Data that is processed when you are in contact with Ellevio's customer service. For example, installation tasks, support cases, complaints, complaints, participation in competitions.
System and application data Data is processed when you use logged in services; IP number, cookies, interaction data (visit time, response times, how you access and use the service), username, password, authorization.
Digital user data When you visit our website, cookies are used for the website to work, and cookies that you have consented to. For a list of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy
Recruitment tasks The application with the information that the applicant himself states therein. If tests are required to be considered for the position, the results and conclusions of the tests are processed. If the service requires a background check or security clearance, the data subject to such a check will be processed, including data on crimes. If we collect references, this data about you is processed.
Supplier details Contact information in the form of names, e-mails and telephone numbers of contact persons who are current with the supplier. Monitoring of sanctions lists.
Property information Information about the property owner and contact information in the form of name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, as well as information about the property that is required for land leasing.

How the data is collected

Ellevio collects customer data and links it to your electrical installation data when you become a customer with us. As long as you are a customer of ours, we continuously collect information when you use our services, such as information about how much electricity you use and outage statistics. The collection may also take place when you interact with us such as making a purchase, using our digital services, participating in webinars, events and competitions, or contacting us for various reasons. When making phone calls with us, we may: With your consent, we may record telephone conversations for training purposes in order to improve our service. If you visit us, you will need to register your visit. Since we have camera surveillance at some of our facilities and offices, image material can also be collected.

Ellevio also collects data from you when you register your interest in employment or internship with us or apply for a position or assignment.  

When you contact us as a representative of a supplier, partner, property owner and authority, or otherwise, your contact details and information that we exchange within the framework of the matter will be processed.  

When you interact with us via social media or visit our website, log in to our digital services, we receive certain information about your use of the services in order to ensure that they work optimally and to follow up on the usage.

We also process information about you when you register your interest in energy-related products and services or indicate that you wish to receive newsletters.

We procure and purchase goods and services on a regular basis. In connection with this, your information may be provided to us by another person, such as employer or client, in order for you to act as a point of contact for us or deliver the agreed service.

We collect information about you via external information services in order to be able to communicate with you if you are a new resident in a home that is located within our concession area, if we want/need land for our facilities and you are a property owner or because you are otherwise affected by planned work as a representative of road associations and the like.

We may also collect information about you

  • From credit institutions, property owners and other actors in the energy industry to enable the relocation and change of electricity supplier.
  • Prior to or in connection with a company acquisition or restructuring, the companies involved in the acquisition or reorganization will be disclosed and information collected for the purpose of further processing your data within the framework of the provision of the service you have agreed on.
  • Through reference gathering and background checks when you register your interest in employment with us or apply for a position, or in cases where you represent a supplier, authority or partner of ours.

When you have received offers through our partners, the supplier will provide you with information about your purchase within the framework of an agreement between Ellevio Energy Solutions AB and the supplier. This is so that we can monitor the customer relationship and the effectiveness of the cooperation.

In order to keep address information up to date, it may be updated and supplemented with information from public and private registers, such as the state's personal and address register, SPAR.

We also collect personal data through cookies on our website ellevio.se. Read more about how we handle cookies.

How data is shared and how long it is stored

In some cases, we need to share your personal data with other recipients. If we share your personal data, the recipient is generally responsible for handling the data in a secure and correct manner.

Ellevio shares your data with our suppliers in cases where they are to carry out installations and work relating to your facility and follow up on cases and complaints that you have initiated when contacting our customer service. Ellevio may also share your personal data with electricity trading companies. If you choose to connect third-party applications such as your electricity supplier, charging box or similar to your app, Ellevio will share the information that you have then instructed us to share in order for the integration to work.

If you represent a supplier, your contact details may be disclosed to other suppliers and to private individuals in order to enable the implementation of the agreed work. This can include things like booking visits and cancellations and coordinating work between suppliers. If you are a property owner, your contact details and information about your property may be shared with suppliers and contractors.

If you register that you are interested in getting in touch with partners of Ellevio, your data will be passed on to these partners in accordance with your request.

In some cases, Ellevio may share your personal data with other recipients, if it is necessary for the situation. Such a situation may be that we need to comply with legal obligations or to handle and respond to legal claims. Recipients can then be external advisors, authorities, courts, the police and potential buyers or sellers if we were to sell the company or undertake a restructuring of the group. 

Our service providers who provide IT services, customer service, invoicing, credit information and debt collection services are data processors. When we use data processors, we ensure that data processing agreements are drawn up. We may also disclose personal data to printing companies in order to send customer information or newsletters.

In cases where two or more companies within Ellevio are joint data controllers, the companies may share personal data between them. This applies even if one of the companies acts as a personal data processor. This processing is regulated in a data sharing agreement between the companies. Ellevio Sverige AB has the primary responsibility for ensuring that data subjects in this information receive accurate information about the sharing and joint use of personal data that may occur, and that the data is protected in an appropriate manner.

Transfer to suppliers in third countries

Ellevio mainly processes personal data within the EU/EEA. In cases where Ellevio engages suppliers who provide services or conduct their business in countries outside the EU/EEA, we have taken appropriate protective measures to secure the personal data and ensured that transferred personal data is handled in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. For those beneficiaries who are not covered by the European Commission's adequacy decision, we use the Commission's standard contractual clauses.

At Ellevio, we process information about you as a customer in order to provide the best service and ensure the safe delivery of our services. In some cases, there are provisions in the terms of the agreement, in industry practice and in internal rules and business requirements regarding how long the data is stored. It may also be regulated by law how long certain information must be stored and in these cases we cannot delete the information before the time has expired. When assessing how long your information needs to be retained, we also take into account our business needs and financial aspects, data and security classification, system dependencies, and available information erasure technologies.

What type of personal data we process and why

Visitor Registration
Ellevio's companies are joint controllers for the processing of personal data that takes place in connection with your visits to our facilities and offices.  

When you visit us, you will have to register and specify who you are going to visit. When you leave, you will be deregistered. We do this to ensure that everyone has left the building in the event of an evacuation and to protect our facilities and information assets from unauthorized access. We may also use the information if incidents have occurred during the time you have visited us.  

Ellevio AB is a provider of essential services and shall, in accordance with the Information Security for Socially Important and Digital Services Act (2018:1174), take appropriate and proportionate technical and organisational measures to reduce risks in its operations. Ellevio AB is also obliged to prevent unauthorised access to areas, buildings and other facilities or objects where they may gain access to classified information or where security-sensitive activities are otherwise conducted. and prevent adverse effects on such areas, buildings, structures or objects.

Categories of personal data: 

  • Name
  • Social security number (in case of facility visits)
  • Possible organisation
  • Telephone number
  • Who you're visiting
  • Check-in and check-out time

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for us to know who is on our premises. It is also a legal obligation to protect some of our facilities and offices in accordance with the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Information Security for Socially Important and Digital Services Act (2018:1174).

Camera surveillance to prevent, detect or investigate crime
As we conduct socially important and security-classified activities, Ellevio AB carries out camera surveillance at certain of our facilities and offices as part of our fulfilment of the obligations in the Information Security for Socially Important and Digital Services Act (2018:1174) and the Protective Security Act (2018:585). This includes environments around our facilities and at entrances. The camera surveillance takes place to prevent crime and to enable us to investigate what has happened in the event of an incident or criminal activity.  

In the event of an incident, Ellevio's security department will take part of the camera material in order to be able to transfer relevant parts to the police authority for further investigation. Material collected may be submitted to authorities for investigation and to safeguard our interests in the event of legal claims. It may also be submitted to insurance companies if needed in an insurance case. 

Categories of personal data: 

  • Imagery 

Legal basis: Legal obligation in accordance with the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Act on Information Security for Socially Important and Digital Services (2018:1174).

To deliver electricity network services
Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of your personal data that is required to be able to provide electricity network services, including the supply of electricity, in a safe, efficient and secure manner. We process personal data belonging to previous, existing and newly moved network customers in order to fulfil the electricity network contracts, manage disturbances and rectify faults. We also process personal data to charge for our services.   

Categories of data: 

  • Identity data in the form of name, customer number and social security number 
  • Contact information in the form of address, e-mail and telephone number 
  • Facility ID 
  • consumption of electricity 
  • Information about your invoices 
  • Technical information such as information about your facility including fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history. 
  • Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A). 

Legal basis: If you are an electricity network customer with us, your personal data is processed on the basis of the agreement you have entered into with us. If you are an employee of a corporate customer, your data is processed on the basis of legitimate interest as it is a necessity for us to be able to provide the services agreed with your employer/client.  

To enable follow-up and forecasts of your electricity consumption
Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of your personal data that is required for you to be able to make forecasts regarding your electricity consumption. On My pages and in the app, you can supplement your customer profile to enable forecasts and comparisons with other households regarding your consumption. If you have chosen to activate a third-party integration in the app, your data will be transferred accordingly to partners outside Ellevio.

Categories of data: 

  • consumption of electricity 
  • Information that you voluntarily provide to enable forecasts such as the size of your household, type of housing, whether you have an electric car, solar panel and charging station. 
  • Technical information such as information about your facility including fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history. 
  • Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A). 

Legal basis: The processing of the information for forecasts of your consumption is carried out on the basis of legitimate interest as it assumes that by registering the voluntary information about your household, you do so with the desire for us to provide such forecasts.  

To build and maintain our electricity grids
Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of network customers' personal data that takes place in order to strengthen, expand and/or maintain the electricity network. Your information may therefore be passed on to the suppliers we hire so that they can communicate with you and carry out the work we commission for them, for example when you have contacted us to report a defect and in connection with a land leasing agreement.  

Ellevio AB is also the data controller for processing personal data belonging to contact persons at suppliers, authorities and partners in order to carry out orders and follow up work efforts in the field to strengthen, expand and/or maintain the electricity grid. 

Categories of personal data: 

  • Identity data in the form of customer number, name and facility ID. 
  • Contact details in the form of e-mail, address and telephone number in cases where we need to inform you as a private individual or you as a contact person for a corporate customer and supplier about upcoming work and projects or fix something in connection with your facility 
  • Consumption data  
  • Technical information such as information about your facility including fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history. 
  • Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A). 

Legal basis: Personal data is processed on the basis of the agreement we have entered into with you as a customer. There is a legitimate interest in the processing of contact information for representatives of companies, authorities and partners. There is also a legal obligation under the Electricity Act (1997:857) to build and maintain our electricity networks. 

For statistics and forecasts on the need for electricity deliveries and to report to the relevant authorities
Ellevio AB is obliged to continuously measure, follow up, evaluate and predict future needs regarding its supply of electricity to its customers in order to monitor load and produce consumption statistics in the electricity grid. Ellevio AB processes your data in order to produce such reports and statistics.  

Categories of personal data: 

  • Identity data in the form of customer number and facility ID. 
  • Consumption data  
  • Technical information such as information about your facility including fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history. 
  • Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A). 

Legal basis:  There is a legal obligation under the Electricity Act (1997:587) to report information and to make forecasts of future needs for electricity deliveries and the need for additional electricity supply in society.

Ellevio Energy Solutions AB is the data controller for the processing of your data in connection with your application for energy-related services and products, such as solar cells and charging boxes, being collected via the website and forwarded to the suppliers who provide the services you have requested. The same applies when you, as a business customer, purchase products and services directly from Ellevio Energy Solutions AB. 

Ellevio Energy Solutions AB is also the data controller for such information about your purchase that is provided by the supplier within the framework of an agreement between Ellevio Energy Solutions AB and the supplier in order for Ellevio Energy Solutions AB to be able to follow up on the effectiveness of the cooperation.  

Categories of personal data: 

  • Deals 
  • Identity data, name, e-mail, phone number 
  • Communication 
  • Contact information, address 
  • Other information relevant to the product or service you are interested in 
  • Feedback about your order from the supplier, which in addition to the above also includes the order number and information about your purchase.  

Legal basis: The processing takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest when you, based on your expression of interest, have requested that we send the data to partners. If you are a business customer, Ellevio Energy Solution AB will process your personal data in order to satisfy its legitimate interest in fulfilling the agreement with the company that you represent. 

Ellevio AB processes personal data in order to maintain a professional relationship with our customers through customer service via phone, e-mail or chat. Customer service processes your personal data when you contact us with questions, complain about a product or service, in order to register the complaint or handle a claim. Customer service processes the data in order to be able to respond to you, help you with certain matters or forward your case for remediation by another person. Depending on what your case concerns, different personal data will need to be processed. Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of your data in order to rectify faults that have been complained about, for example to be able to send a service vehicle to fix faults in your facility and then to be able to follow up on the handling. Your data may also be processed in order to register complaints and to communicate with insurance companies regarding claims.

Ellevio Energy Solutions AB is the data controller in cases where you contact us regarding your expression of interest or your purchase of energy-related goods and services.

Categories of personal data:

  • Identity data, name and e-mail, including social security number
  • Communication we have had with you in the form of emails, notes from calls and any recorded conversations
  • Contact details in the form of e-mail, address and telephone number
  • Purchase information, if any
  • Installation and electricity consumption data
  • Order and delivery information
  • Visual and audio material when calls are recorded for training purposes and when we process material that is processed in connection with an injury.

Legal basis: Customer service processes personal data as part of helping you to sign an electricity network contract or fulfil the agreement that has been signed with you. For matters that are not related to the agreement, there is a legitimate interest for us to handle your case, complaint or claim and answer your questions.

The processing of personal identity numbers is processed when it is necessary with regard to the purpose of the processing.

Any special categories of personal data, e.g. health data, that have emerged in communication with you, we process if it is necessary to manage and defend legal claims, or in insurance matters, e.g. to assess the right to compensation in the event of damage.

Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of personal data in order to send mailings to you as an online customer. General mailings of information are carried out so that you as a network customer are aware of Ellevio AB's ongoing projects, energy transition and how you can streamline your consumption, as well as other information related to your electricity network contract. In order for the mailings to be relevant to you, they are adapted to where you live, contract type and amount of consumption, as well as the information you have provided about your household in the app or on the website. The information will be sent by e-mail if you have notified us of such an address, otherwise by letter. We may also send you specific mailings if you are particularly affected by work or changes.

Categories of personal data:

  • Identity
  • Contact details in the form of address and/or e-mail address if you have provided such
  • Information about your housing situation and consumption
  • User-generated data such as information about households that the user has registered in the app or via the website including the type of apartment, the size of the home, the number of residents, possession of an electric car, possession of solar panels, possession of a charging point

Legal basis: Specific mailings to you as a customer are made with the support of your agreement for electricity network services. General, customized mailings are carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest in keeping our customers informed about our business.

If you signed up for newsletters
Ellevio AB provides newsletters and press releases to those who have expressed an interest in such mailings.

Ellevio Energy Solutions AB provides newsletters with information and offers about energy-related services and products. The mailings are sent to those who have registered an interest in these.

Categories of personal data:

  • Identity data in the form of names
  • Contact information in the form of e-mail

Legal basis: Legitimate interest. The processing is intended to satisfy Ellevio's interest in communicating with you and providing tips and recommendations based on the expression of interest you have made yourself.

Evaluate and follow up on the customer relationship
Ellevio AB and Ellevio Energy Solutions AB are each data controllers for the processing of personal data that takes place in order to carry out customer surveys as part of evaluating our customer service.

Categories of personal data: 

  • Identity data in the form of names 
  • Contact information in the form of e-mail 
  • Customer satisfaction information

Legal basis: Legitimate interest. The processing is necessary in order to satisfy Ellevio's legitimate interest in following up and evaluating its operations

Ellevio organizes webinars, events, competitions and activities that you can choose to participate in. The company responsible for an event is also the data controller for the processing of the data needed, e.g. to register your participation, send out invitations and, in some cases, publish your information in various digital channels. The data may also be processed in order to plan for, carry out and follow up the activity.

Categories of personal data:

  • Image and audio material
  • Identity
  • Communication
  • Contact

Legal basis: The processing is necessary in order to satisfy Ellevio's legitimate interest in carrying out events, competitions and activities.

Ellevio processes personal data in connection with the recruitment of employees, consultants and interns to our operations. It is the recruiting company that is responsible for the processing of personal data.  

Personal data is processed in order to: 

  • Determine your relevance for the position in question based on your CV and any LinkedIn profile 
  • Manage contact with candidates. 
  • Obtain references and carry out tests and process the results of these. 
  • Where appropriate, carry out background checks in accordance with the requirements of the Protective Security Act.  
  • Keeping statistics for audience optimization. 
  • Present candidates' profiles for other positions in order to create more job opportunities.  
  • Handle any disputes or matters regarding alleged discrimination. 

We collect personal data about you when you make an application through the career site or otherwise add personal data about yourself personally or by using a third party, such as LinkedIn.  

When you register your interest in a position, internship or consultancy assignment with us, or make an unsolicited application, the following information is collected: 

  • Name 
  • Year of birth 
  • Contact 
  • Photography 
  • Your LinkedIn profile 
  • CV, cover letter, grades, diplomas, diplomas, certificates, e-mail conversations or other material sent to us in connection with the recruitment process.

Legal basis: Legitimate interest for Ellevio to handle your application.

If you are a final candidate and participate in interviews and tests
If you are one of the final candidates in the hiring process, we will continue to process information about you. We may then also supplement the documentation in different ways depending on the service in question. We also process information about you that is provided by your referees in connection with reference checks. 

For some services, it is necessary to undergo tests. Your contact information will then be processed in order to be able to send out the test to you. The results of the tests will be analyzed and a dialogue will be held with you about your answers.

As we are a socially important organization, we always conduct background checks on all final candidates. The background check includes legal public documents, financial information, and company involvement. These may then contain sensitive personal data. You will be informed and consent to us carrying out such a check. If you do not give your consent, you will no longer be eligible for the service. If the position in question is classified as a security class, we carry out a security clearance with a register check prior to employment in accordance with the Protective Security Act (2018:585). If you apply for a position with us that may be placed in a war position, you will receive information about this in connection with your employment.

Legal basis: We process this data on the basis of our legitimate interest in ensuring that you are suitable for the position you have applied for. For security class positions, it is a legal obligation for us to carry out security clearance. 

At the end of the recruitment process
When the recruitment process is completed, the new employee is informed of the continued processing of personal data through Ellevio's internal integrity notice.

Personal data about candidates who have not been selected for the position is saved for two years in the event that a claim is made against Ellevio based on discrimination legislation. Ellevio may also retain your application information in order to match you with future jobs. Your consent is required for this.

Legal basis: Legitimate interest for Ellevio to safeguard its interests in the event of legal claims and your consent to be matched against future services. 

If you send an unsolicited application
If your profile is of interest to Ellevio, your application will be saved for 24 months so that we can match it with relevant jobs and be able to contact you.

Categories of personal data: 

  • Contact details in the form of name, address, e-mail address and telephone number 
  • Linkedin profile , if any
  • Other information that you attach to your application, such as CV and qualifications. 

Legal basis: With regard to the purpose for which you submitted the spontaneous application, we consider that it is a legitimate interest for us to process the data in accordance with the purpose.

If we seek you out
Ellevio may seek you out via LinkedIn or contact you at the encouragement of another party to investigate your interest in a position or assignment at Ellevio. If you decline further contact, Ellevio will not continue to process your data.

Categories of personal data:

  • Contact information in the form of name and e-mail address 
  • Linkedin profile 
  • Information from our contact with you

Legal basis: We process your data based on our legitimate interest in matching you with the right assignment. Since you are on LinkedIn, which is primarily a network for making business contacts and presenting yourself in your professional role, we assume that you also accept this type of outreach contact. When we receive tips about you from our contacts, we assume that you have an interest in establishing a contact.  

If you are a consultant through a staffing agency
Ellevio hires staffing agencies for certain assignments. For certain positions, staffing agencies can provide a basis for presenting candidates. The documentation is intended to help us match the right consultant to the assignment. The temporary work agency is independently responsible for the processing of personal data by the staffing agency.   

Categories of personal data: 

  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail 
  • Other information that the staffing agency presents about you as a candidate for an assignment, such as your CV and your qualifications. 

Legal basis: We process your data based on our legitimate interest in matching you with the right assignment. Since you are engaged by a staffing company, we believe that it is also in your interest that such matching is carried out.

When we handle statistics on recruitment, it is always done with anonymized data.

Ellevio's companies are joint controllers for the processing of personal data that takes place in connection with your visit to Ellevio's websites. 

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser on your device, such as a computer, mobile phone or tablet, during navigation. We use cookies to facilitate your digital visit with us, provide functionality and to analyze traffic to our website. By doing so, we can improve the user experience on our website for you as a visitor and ensure that the pages work as they should.

For cookies relating to statistics on user behaviour, your consent is required. Ellevio avoids cookies for marketing purposes as much as possible.

You can refuse the use of non-essential cookies at any time by changing the settings on your device.

You can find more information about the cookies used on our website here. There you can also change your consent settings. 

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to process data that is necessary for the websites to function. For cookies where you have given your consent in accordance with the cookie policy, consent is the legal basis for processing the data.  

Investigative and security reasons
Ellevio processes data to manage and protect our systems and services. To protect ourselves from spam attacks and unauthorized use of our services with the help of software robots (automated programs), we use Google's Recaptcha service. The service analyzes the behavior of the visitor. The analysis starts automatically and takes place in the background as soon as the visitor starts using our website.

When you visit our websites, we also use data to ensure that the services work as intended, that you get an optimal user experience without disruptions. When incidents occur, we may use logs to investigate what occurred.

Categories of personal data:

  • Cookies in accordance with the cookie policy
  • IP number
  • User Behavior
  • Weblog containing generated pseudonymized visitor ID, which server you retrieved information from, which page you visited, if it worked properly, how long it took, which page you came from, browser identifier

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to process the data to ensure that the services work and to be able to investigate incidents. 

Ellevio AB is the data controller for processing that intends to provide My Pages and Ellevio's app.   
When you choose to use Ellevio's digital services, your personal data is processed in order to be able to deliver the service to you and to be able to present your customer information such as information about your agreement, your consumption and your invoices. 

Ellevio AB also processes such personal data that you can supplement with yourself in order to obtain forecasts of consumption, as well as preferences regarding notifications about, for example, new invoices, high electricity prices or to integrate your app with partners chosen by you.  

If you are registered as a user without being a customer through the family sharing options, we process data in order to create an account for logging in on your behalf.  

Ellevio processes personal data for the purpose of improving, testing and developing our services, systems and operations and to otherwise operate and improve our business. Within this framework, personal data may be processed for the purpose of analysing and understanding what information, services and services you as a customer want to receive from Ellevio. 

Categories of personal data: 

  • IP address 
  • User-generated data 
  • Credentials 
  • Identity data in the form of name and e-mail address 
  • Contact 
  • User Behavior 
  • Information about your invoices 
  • Consumption data  
  • Technical information such as information about your facility including fuse size, electricity supplier, meter number, fault and outage history
  • Information that is handled in the agreement with Ellevio, such as subscription type (e.g. Subscription Simple 80-200 A)
  • Location information

Legal basis: The processing is necessary in order to satisfy our legitimate interest in giving you access to various services in our digital channels and ensuring that the services work.  

For more information about user behavior data collected through cookies, you can also read our updated cookie information here. 

Follow-up and cleanup of accounts
Ellevio follows up on the use of your account to ensure that the services work as they should for you, to be able to follow up if you experience deficiencies in functionality and to be able to remove accounts that have not been active during the past year.  

Categories of personal data: 

  • Email 
  • User ID 
  • Statistics about logging in 

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to remove inactive accounts and to ensure that the services work as they should for our users.  

Investigative and security reasons
Ellevio processes data to manage and protect our systems and services.

When you use our digital services, such as My Pages and Ellevio's app, we use the information to ensure that the services work as intended, that you get an optimal user experience without disruptions and to ensure that no one else tries to support you. delivery of the digital services. When incidents occur, we may use logs to investigate what occurred.

Categories of personal data: 

  • IP address
  • Cookies  and trackers in accordance with the Cookie Policy
  • Weblog containing IP address, which server you downloaded information from, which page you visited, if it worked properly, how long it took, which page you came from, browser identifier
  • User ID

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to process the data to ensure that the services work and to be able to investigate incidents. 

When you interact with us via social media, Ellevio's companies are joint controllers with the social media service provider for the processing of your data that takes place when you choose to communicate with us via posts or reactions. Ellevio does not process this data for any other purposes than the interaction that takes place. The processing of your data by Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn on the basis of your interaction with us does not take place on our behalf. They are independent controllers for the further processing of your data that they carry out and further information about this can be found in their separate information notices regarding the processing of personal data.

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to communicate via social media.

In connection with purchasing and procurement, during the subsequent contract period and for follow-up
Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of personal data belonging to contact persons at suppliers and partners in order to carry out orders and follow up work efforts in the field to strengthen, expand and/or maintain the electricity grid and to fix faults in facilities and to enable communication and cooperation in accordance with the agreements and understandings existing between the parties.

Ellevio Sverige AB is the data controller for the processing of personal data belonging to contact persons, suppliers to Ellevio Sverige AB. The data is processed to enable communication and cooperation in accordance with the agreements and agreements that exist between the parties. 

Ellevio Energy Solutions AB is the data controller for the processing of contact information for its business partners and corporate customers of Ellevio Energy Solutions AB. The data is processed to enable communication and cooperation in accordance with the agreements and agreements that exist between the parties.

Categories of personal data: 

  • Contact information in the form of name, e-mail, address and telephone number of the workplace
  • Information related to the representative's skills
  • Information related to sanction lists

Legal basis: When procurement takes place according to law, there is a legal obligation to process personal data. This also includes the control of sanction lists. 

For the processing of contact information for representatives of suppliers, property owners and partners, there is a legitimate interest in enabling communication and cooperation in accordance with the agreements and agreements that exist between the parties.

In connection with communication with property owners and landlords
Ellevio AB is the data controller for the processing of personal data belonging to property owners, landlords and their employees for the purpose of enabling communication for confirmation of meter numbers and the like.

Categories of personal data: 

  • Contact information in the form of name, e-mail and telephone number

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to be able to contact property owners and landlords.  

Dialogue with and reporting to authorities
In connection with Ellevio's dialogue with authorities for various reasons, contact information for administrators and other relevant actors at the authority may be stored at Ellevio. The controller of the processing of the data is the company that is the subject of the authority's current case or activity.  

Categories of personal data 

  • Name, e-mail and work phone number 

Legal basis: Ellevio has a legal obligation to communicate with authorities when requested and to report certain information to them. 

In connection with development, land leasing and utility easements
Ellevio AB is responsible for the processing of personal data that takes place in connection with land leasing agreements and utility easements. 

We process personal data regarding former and current property owners who are affected by future expansion or have signed land leasing agreements. The purpose is to be able to contact the property owners for consultation, provide information and make any requests and negotiate land leasing agreements.  

Categories of personal data: 

  • Contact details in the form of name, e-mail, address, telephone number
  • Social security number
  • Signature
  • Property designation
  • Bank and account details for disbursements in connection with agreements

Legal basis: In the case of land leasing agreements, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the performance of the agreement. In the case of utility easements, the data is processed on the basis of the legal obligation that exists in accordance with the Electricity Act (1997:587) to provide connection within our concession area. We then process the data required to fulfil this obligation. Otherwise, it is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to process contact information in order to conduct a dialogue with property owners affected by the expansion.

Ellevio may process personal data in order to be able to respond to legal requirements and claims from customers, suppliers and partners. This includes the processing of personal data in order to register complaints and to communicate with insurance companies regarding claims.

Categories of personal data that may be covered depending on the nature of the legal claim or claim:

  • Images from camera surveillance 
  • User-generated data in web and app 
  • Identity 
  • Contact information including address, telephone number, e-mail 
  • Facility ID and consumption of electricity, information from fault reporting and troubleshooting 
  • Location information 
  • Other information about the case that has emerged in our contacts with you

Legal basis:  The Ellevio company that is subject to any legal claims and claims has a legitimate interest in safeguarding its interests.

Ellevio processes personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations under law, regulation, government decision or collective agreement.

Legal basis: Legal obligation under such rules that require the collection or disclosure of certain information. This may apply to requirements for security clearance and background checks in accordance with the Protective Security Act (2018:585) and the Act on Information Security for Socially Important and Digital Services (2018:1174), handling of rights requests in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, disclosure of information to the Swedish Tax Agency, The Swedish Social Insurance Agency and trade unions in accordance with the obligations incumbent on employers under legislation and collective agreements, disclosure of information upon request in court or from other competent authority such as the police, and retention of certain information in accordance with accounting legislation.

Ellevio processes personal data in connection with the takeover or sale of a business or in the event of group changes for the purpose of evaluating the business and administratively preparing the best possible form for the takeover or change.

In the event of restructuring, such as splitting into several different businesses, or if an external party wishes to acquire a company or customer database, we will disclose your personal data to the acquiring company. In such cases, that company will continue to use your personal data for the same purposes as we have stated in this information about the processing of personal data unless you receive other information in connection with the transfer.

Legal basis: It is a legitimate interest for Ellevio to be able to carry out company acquisitions and sales of operations and restructuring.

Your rights

The information about your rights applies regardless of your relationship to which company(s) within Ellevio. 

Right to receive information about what personal data we process 
You have the right to receive information free of charge about which of your personal data we process, a so-called register extract. A request for a register extract must be made in writing and must be signed by you. You are welcome to specify the categories of personal data that you would like to have access to. We only disclose personal data that we know with certainty belongs to you. Send your request to the address below. Mark the envelope "Register extract".

Ellevio Sverige AB 
Personal data 
Box 242 07 
115 53 Stockholm

The register extract will be sent to your registered address. You can also choose to come to our reception and, after identification, pick up the register extract after requesting it in writing.

Right to rectification
We are responsible for ensuring that the personal data we process about you is correct and up to date. If we have incorrect personal data, you have the right to request that it be corrected. You have the right to supplement with personal data that you believe is missing but that you think is relevant with regard to the purpose or matter.

Right to erasure
If you no longer want us to process your personal data, you have the right to have your data deleted in some cases. However, when the personal data is needed to, for example, comply with our legal obligations, comply with the requirements of the Electricity Act or the Accounting Act, you have no right to have this data deleted during the time that the processing is necessary to comply with these obligations.

Right to restriction of processing
In some cases, you have the opportunity to demand that we restrict our processing, i.e. That your personal data is not used for anything other than storage or to defend our legal claims. For example, restriction may be relevant in cases where you contest the accuracy of the data or the lawfulness of the processing.

Right to object
When Ellevio processes personal data on the basis of a balance of interests or a public interest, you have the right to object to the processing. In such a case, you need to specify which processing you object to. In this case, we will reconsider the processing of your data. If Ellevio cannot show that there are legitimate reasons to continue processing the data, we will cease the processing.

Right to withdraw consent
If we process your personal data with your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. In this case, we are not allowed to continue processing the data. In most cases, however, the processing of your data is based on another basis, such as the agreement between us or on the basis of a legitimate interest.

Right to data portability
You have the right to have the personal data that you have provided to Ellevio transferred to yourself or another data controller if the legal basis is consent or if the processing has been necessary for the performance of an agreement.

Rights in automated decision-making and profiling
You have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing (including profiling) which may produce legal effects concerning you or significantly affect you. You also have the right to object to direct marketing. 

If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of applicable data protection regulations, you should report this to us as soon as possible. You also have the option of contacting the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.


If you want to get in touch with us regarding questions about data protection, the easiest way to do so is via customer service on +46 771-53 53 00. You can also contact our Data Protection Officer by email dataskyddsombud@ellevio.se or by letter at the following address:

Ellevio Sverige AB
Personal data
Box 242 07
115 53 Stockholm
Mark the envelope "Data protection"

Privacy Policy updates

Ellevio reserves the right to update this information, as we regularly develop our business processes and related policies. Sometimes there are also changes and clarifications in legislation, which means that processes and systems need to be developed or changed. Changes to the information will be announced on this page.

Information from Ellevio, 

updated on 7 June 2024

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